Top 10 Biggest Volcanic Eruptions in History

The recent eruptions of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland were a stark reminder of nature’s ability to bring human activity to an abrupt standstill. The cloud of smoke that drifted over Western Europe made aviation travel untenable, returning European skies to a quietude not felt for decades..

Monday, March 29, 2010

Angelina Jolie Wants To Be "Maleficent"?

Disney is putting a lot of energy into making Maleficent happen. They've brought Linda Woolverton on to write the script, and Tim Burton is still reportedly dancing around the project. Now a rumor has surfaced that none other than Angelina Jolie is showing interest in the project. According to The LA Times, Jolie has been interested in Maleficent since last spring, but in the last few weeks has become really keen to sign on to play the Mistress of all Evil. The Times notes that she doesn't have a film ready to go after she finishes The Tourist, which might make her free to sign up with Disney. It's still all rumor and conjecture at...

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