Top 10 Biggest Volcanic Eruptions in History

The recent eruptions of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland were a stark reminder of nature’s ability to bring human activity to an abrupt standstill. The cloud of smoke that drifted over Western Europe made aviation travel untenable, returning European skies to a quietude not felt for decades..

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Spicing Up Your Relationship With Romantic Bedroom Games

After spending so many years with each other you might think that you know everything about your spouse. But things are not necessarily as you think. If you feel bored and think you are falling into a routine, you should try to do something to change that. There are many romantic bedroom games available that can give you ideas on new things and fun things that you can do in your bedroom. If you think that there is nothing much that you don’t know, you are probably right. But games are not about things that you know, they are about fun games and spending time with each other. No one likes to admit that their relationshiphas maybe hit a lull...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Romantic Body Language - What We Know About This?

Romantic Body Language Reading When you learn how to read body language it can give you insight when someone has a romantic interest in you.  Accurately reading the body language of the opposite sex will allow you to know if the other person is wanting to get to know you better. Reading body language can ensure that you are not sending the wrong messages to the other person. Romantic Body Language Is SubtleBody language is usually subtle and is driven by the subconscious. When you are familiar with your own body language you can make sure you are sending an accurate message to the intended party. Reading body language...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What is the Definition of Body Language? A closer Look at the Meaning Behind Our Movements

Body Language or “Kinesics” is the study of nonverbal communication. Although not an exact science, the serious student of body language can gain an extraordinary advantage in both social and professional situations. Okay……so Is It Learned Or Instinctual?Good questions!  Body language is BOTH a learned and instinctual process. Some of it is hard wired and therefore the same in all humans – the rest varies depending upon how and where the person was raised. Let’s take a closer lookFor example, some facial expressions (like smiling to indicate happiness and frowning to indicate displeasure) are universal. These gestures stem from hard...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Tangled - A New Walt Disney Pictures Movie

Walt Disney Pictures presents Tangled, one of the most hilarious, hair-raising tales ever told. When the kingdom's most wanted -- and most charming -- bandit, Flynn Rider (voice of Zachary Levi), hides out in a mysterious tower, he's taken hostage by Rapunzel (voice of Mandy Moore), a beautiful and feisty tower-bound teen with 70 feet of magical, golden hair. Flynn's curious captor, who's looking for her ticket out of the tower where she's been locked away for years, strikes a deal with the handsome thief and the unlikely duo set off on an action-packed escapade, complete with a super-cop horse, an over-protective chameleon and a gruff gang...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

You can catch the rainbow If you want

You can catch the rainbow....If you want......

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