Top 10 Biggest Volcanic Eruptions in History

The recent eruptions of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland were a stark reminder of nature’s ability to bring human activity to an abrupt standstill. The cloud of smoke that drifted over Western Europe made aviation travel untenable, returning European skies to a quietude not felt for decades..

Saturday, December 17, 2011

11 ways how to be the perfect man

Just want to stipulate that all of what you read in this article is the only recommendations; following which, you are much more likely to be liked by women, rather than being ignored by them. Again, the order listed below of male qualities is not as important as their availability. Well, now we can begin to list the most important men of quality, possessing which you “risk” like almost every woman and no matter what was going on, about a woman at school, at work, in cafes or anywhere else. How to please a woman? Here are 11 tips to be the perfect man. 1.Confidence. Asked 1000 different women, what should be a man of their dreams, and...

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