
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

10 Best ways to manage stress

The best ways to manage stress begin with good self care practices. While that sounds like common sense, habits like eating right and exercising are often the first things to go when we're experiencing stress. We may think we're creating more time in our lives by not taking time to do them, but we also compromise our ability to get through stressful periods.

10 Ways to Manage Stress

Sleep Up
Get plenty of sleep each night. A good night's rest makes all the difference in how well you handle stressful situations. If you are tired and cranky, your patience wears thin more quickly and you less able to tolerate stress well.
Stay Fit
Be sure to fit some exercise into your routine. Exercise is a natural stress reliever that works to reduce the tension that arises from stress.
Eat Healthy
A healthy diet improves your overall health and helps you cope with stress better.

Manage Time
Stay on top of time management. Running behind on deadlines and appointments is a leading cause of stress. Schedule your day with some cushion time to help you stay on track. Don't procrastinate. It will only increase your stress levels.

Schedule some relaxation time into your day. Be sure to carve out some time to hang out with friends or enjoy your favorite hobby.

Take a Break
Make sure to take breaks when working. Breaks help you to regroup and not feel overworked or under stress.
Participate in social events, networks or clubs to have other people to relate to and bond with. Peer groups allow people to share experiences with others who can offer support during tough times.

Laugh Often
Laughter truly is great medicine. A little happiness goes a long way to reducing stress.

Mind Money
Be careful with finances. Money woes are another top stress inducer. Keep a close watch on your budget and invest money carefully.

Seek Balance
Follow an overall plan for achieving wellness. Seek balance and harmony in life to live as stress free as possible.
If you follow these stress management tips, you are sure to find yourself with much less stress on your plate and more time on your hands to simply relax and enjoy life.

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